Props List
This is the list of props you can pass to the <ReactFlow />
import ReactFlow from 'react-flow-renderer';
The interface of the ReactFlow Prop types is exported as ReactFlowProps
. You can use it in your code as follows:
import { ReactFlowProps } from 'react-flow-renderer';
When you pass one of these props: nodeTypes
, edgeTypes
, deleteKeyCode
(as an array), selectionKeyCode
(as an array), multiselectionKeyCode
(as an array), snapGrid
or any event handler, you need to define it outside of the component or memoize it in order to prevent unnecessary re-renderings and bugs!
Basic Props​
Name | Type | Default | Description |
defaultNodes | Node[] | [] | Â array of nodes (for an uncontrolled flow) |
defaultEdges | Edge[] | [] | Â array of edges (for an uncontrolled flow) |
nodes | Node[] | [] | Â array of nodes (for a controlled flow) |
edges | Edge[] | [] | Â array of edges (for a controlled flow) |
onNodesChange(nodeChanges) | function | undefined | Â handler for adding interactivity for a controlled flow |
onEdgesChange(edgeChanges) | function | undefined | Â handler for adding interactivity for a controlled flow |
onConnect({ source, target }: Connection) | function | undefined | called when user connects two nodes in a controlled flow |
nodeTypes | object | {input: InputNode, default: DefaultNode, output: OutputNode, group: GroupNode} | Â object with node types |
edgeTypes | object | { default: BezierEdge, straight: StraightEdge, step: StepEdge, smoothstep: SmoothStepEdge } | Â object with edge types |
style | CSSProperties | undefined | Â css properties |
className | string | undefined | Â additional class name |
Flow View​
Name | Type | Default | Description |
fitView | boolean | false | fits the view once to make all nodes visible |
fitViewOptions | FitViewOptions | undefined | options that are passed to the initial fitView |
minZoom | number | 0.5 | min zoom level |
maxZoom | number | 2 | max zoom level |
defaultZoom | number | 1 | default zoom level |
defaultPosition | number[] | [0, 0] | default viewport position |
snapGrid | number[] | [15, 15] | snap grid gap |
snapToGrid | boolean | false | snap grid enabled |
onlyRenderVisibleElements | boolean | false | if true only nodes and edges inside the viewport get rendered |
translateExtent | number[number[], number[]] | [[-∞, -∞], [+∞, +∞]] | passed to the d3-zoom translateExtent option |
nodeExtent | number[number[], number[]] | [[-∞, -∞], [+∞, +∞]] | defines the extent for the node positions |
preventScrolling | boolean | true | if true default browser scroll behaviour is prevented |
attributionPosition | 'top-left' , 'top-center' , 'top-right' or 'bottom-right' | 'bottom-right' | position of the "React Flow" attribution |
Edge Specific Props​
Name | Type | Default | Description |
elevateEdgesOnSelect | boolean | false | Edges get a higher zIndex if this is true and a connected node is selected |
defaultMarkerColor | string | #b1b1b7 | Â default marker color |
defaultEdgeOptions | DefaultEdgeOptions | undefined | Â edge options that should apply for all edges |
Event Handlers​
Please wrap all event handlers that you are passing to <ReactFlow />
with a useCallback
hook or define it outside of the component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
onInit(reactFlowInstance: ReactFlowInstance) | function | undefined | called as soon as React Flow is initialized |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
onNodeClick(event: React.MouseEvent, node: Node) | function | undefined | called when user clicks a node |
onNodeDragStart(event: React.MouseEvent, node: Node, nodes: Node[]) | function | undefined | node drag start |
onNodeDrag(event: React.MouseEvent, node: Node, nodes: Node[]) | function | undefined | node drag |
onNodeDragStop(event: React.MouseEvent, node: Node, nodes: Node[]) | function | undefined | node drag stop |
onNodeMouseEnter(event: React.MouseEvent, node: Node) | function | undefined | node mouse enter |
onNodeMouseMove(event: React.MouseEvent, node: Node) | function | undefined | node mouse move |
onNodeMouseLeave(event: React.MouseEvent, node: Node) | function | undefined | node mouse leave |
onNodeContextMenu(event: React.MouseEvent, node: Node) | function | undefined | node context menu |
onNodeDoubleClick(event: React.MouseEvent, node: Node) | function | undefined | node double click |
onNodesDelete(nodes) | function | undefined | called when nodes get deleted |
onNodesChange(nodeChanges) | function | undefined | Â handler for adding interactivity for a controlled flow |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
onEdgeClick(event: React.MouseEvent, edge: Edge) | function | undefined | called when user clicks an edge |
onEdgeMouseEnter(event: React.MouseEvent, edge: Edge) | function | undefined | edge mouse enter |
onEdgeMouseMove(event: React.MouseEvent, edge: Edge) | function | undefined | edge mouse move |
onEdgeMouseLeave(event: React.MouseEvent, edge: Edge) | function | undefined | edge mouse leave |
onEdgeContextMenu(event: React.MouseEvent, edge: Edge) | function | undefined | called when user does a right-click on an edge |
onEdgeUpdate(oldEdge, newConnection) | function | undefined | called when the end of an edge gets dragged to another source or target |
onEdgeUpdateStart(event: React.MouseEvent, edge: Edge, handleType: HandleType) | function | undefined | called when user starts to update an edge |
onEdgeUpdateEnd(event: MouseEvent, edge: Edge, handleType: HandleType) | function | undefined | called when user ends an edge update (for TS users: this is a normal MouseEvent and not a React.MouseEvent like the other ones). |
onEdgesDelete(edges: Edge[]) | function | undefined | called when edges get deleted |
onEdgesChange(edgeChanges) | function | undefined | Â handler for adding interactivity for a controlled flow |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
onConnect({ source, target }: Connection) | function | undefined | called when user connects two nodes |
onConnectStart(event: React.MouseEvent, { nodeId, handleType }: OnConnectStartParams) | function | undefined | called when user starts to drag connection line |
onConnectStop(event: React.MouseEvent) | function | undefined | called when user stops to drag connection line (called before onConnect ) |
onConnectEnd(event: React.MouseEvent) | function | undefined | called after user stops or connects nodes (called after onConnect ) |
onClickConnectStart(event: React.MouseEvent, { nodeId, handleType }: OnConnectStartParams) | function | undefined | called when user starts to do a connection by click |
onClickConnectStop(event: React.MouseEvent) | function | undefined | called when user stops a connection by click (called before onConnect ) |
onClickConnectEnd(event: React.MouseEvent) | function | undefined | called after user stops a connection by click (called after onConnect ) |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
onMove(event: MouseEvent, viewport: Viewport) | function | undefined | called when user is panning or zooming |
onMoveStart(event: MouseEvent, viewport: Viewport) | function | undefined | called when user starts panning or zooming |
onMoveEnd(event: MouseEvent, viewport: Viewport) | function | undefined | called when user ends panning or zooming |
onSelectionChange({ nodes, edges }: OnSelectionChangeParams) | function | undefined | called when user selects one or multiple elements |
onSelectionDragStart(event: React.MouseEvent, nodes: Node[]) | function | undefined | called when user starts to drag a selection |
onSelectionDrag(event: React.MouseEvent, nodes: Node[]) | function | undefined | called when user drags a selection |
onSelectionDragStop(event: React.MouseEvent, nodes: Node[]) | function | undefined | called when user stops to drag a selection |
onSelectionContextMenu(event: React.MouseEvent, nodes: Node[]) | function | undefined | called when user does a right-click on a selection |
onPaneClick(event: React.MouseEvent) | function | undefined | called when user clicks directly on the canvas |
onPaneContextMenu(event: React.MouseEvent) | function | undefined | called when user does a right-click on the canvas |
onPaneScroll(event: React.MouseEvent) | function | undefined | called when user scrolls pane (only works when zoomOnScroll is set to `false) |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
nodesDraggable | boolean | true | This applies to all nodes. You can also change the behavior of a specific node with the draggable node option |
nodesConnectable | boolean | true | This applies to all nodes. You can also change the behavior of a specific node with the connectable node optionstart |
elementsSelectable | boolean | true | This applies to all nodes and edges. You can also change the behavior of a specific node with the selectable node option. drag |
panOnDrag | boolean | true | enables pan on drag |
panOnScroll | boolean | false | Move the graph while keeping the zoomlevel using mousewheel or trackpad. Overwrites zoomOnScroll enter |
panOnScrollSpeed | number | undefined | Controls how fast the canvas is moved while using the mousewheel. Only has an effect if panOnScroll is enabled |
panOnScrollMode | 'free' , 'vertical' or 'horizontal' | 'free' | Enables certain scroll directions |
zoomOnScroll | boolean | true | Zoom the graph in and out using the mousewheel or trackpad |
zoomOnPinch | boolean | true | Zoom the graph in and out using pinch |
zoomOnDoubleClick | boolean | true | Enables zoom on double click |
selectNodesOnDrag | boolean | true | Enables to select nodes on drag |
connectOnClick | boolean | true | Enables to create connections on touch devices and via mouse click |
connectionMode | 'strict' or 'loose' | 'strict' | 'strict' (only source to target connections are possible) or 'loose' (source to source and target to target connections are allowed) |
Connection Line Options​
Name | Type | Default | Description |
connectionLineType | string | undefined | called when user clicks a node |
connectionLineStyle | CSSProperties | undefined | connection style as SVG attributes |
connectionLineComponent | React component | undefined | custom connection line component |
connectionLineWrapperStyles | CSSProperties | undefined | styles for the connection line SVG wrapper |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
deleteKeyCode | string or string[] or null | 'Backspace' | Key(s) that trigger a remove handler (when you pass an array, memoize or define it outside the component). You can set it to null to disable functionality. |
selectionKeyCode | string or string[] or null | 'Shift' | While pressing the selectionKeyCode and dragging the mouse you can create a selection for multiple nodes and edges. You can set it to null to disable functionality. |
multiSelectionKeyCode | string or string[] or null | 'Meta' | While pressing the multiSelectionKeyCode you can select multiple nodes and edges with a click. You can set it to null to disable functionality. |
zoomActivationKeyCode | string or string[] or null | 'Meta' | While pressing the zoomActivationKeyCode you can zoom even if panOnScroll=true or zoomOnScroll=false . You can set it to null to disable functionality. |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
proOptions | object | undefined | options to specify license and hide attribution (you can find more information on the pro page) |